So did the lever, and probably alphabeticwriting, and the number system.
There were, doubtless, many steps taken in slow succession before the invention of alphabeticwriting.
Before the spread of alphabeticwriting, systems making much use of logograms were more common and included Egyptian hieroglyphs, Maya glyphs, and Sumerian cuneiform.
The first three periods-theformation of primitive societies, followed by the pastoral age, and the agricultural age-concludewith the invention of alphabeticwriting in Greece.
Hieroglyphic figures, and even characters in regular lines, are seen sculptured on their sides; though I doubt whether they bear any analogy to alphabeticwriting.
Their logograms might include some phonetic information, but finding it would be a lot harder than with an alphabeticscript.
Yet, alphabeticscript is used only in cases in which illiterate adults have to be enabled in a short time to read very simple informations.